
Specific areas that fall within the domain of CREK across the various thematic areas (solar, biomass, wind, EE) include, among others:

  • conducting energy audit and sustainable energy advisory;

  • design, fabrication, testing and sale of improved firewood and charcoal stoves for both households and institutions;

  • design, installation, and maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems;

  • development and utilization of solar thermal applications such as

  • solar water stills for water purification

  • solar crop dryers for clean and efficient drying of agricultural produce

  • solar ovens for heating water and cooking food

  • solar water heaters for domestic and institutional water heating

  • solar evaporative coolers for food preservation

  • solar de-salinators for removal of salts in water;

  • design and construction of integrated biogas (anaerobic waste treatment) digesters for organic waste treatment, energy generation and bio-fertilizer production;

  • design, fabrication, and use of low-speed standalone wind turbines for power generation and water pumping;

  • development and promotion of gel-ethanol as domestic and institutional source of fuel for heating and cooking;

  • design and engineering of kilns for efficient and clean charcoal production; and

  • development and promotion of modern fuels (bioethanol, biogas, biodiesel, briquettes, pellets, etc.) for domestic and institutional use.