Edem Cudjoe Bensah

Staff Grade: 
Brief Bio: 

Dr. Edem Bensah had both his MSc. (Mechanical Engineering – Thermofluids and Energy Systems, 2009) and BSc. (Chemical Engineering, 2005) from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana. He also obtained his doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering from the same University. He is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Chemical Engineering Department of Kumasi Technical University (KsTU), Ghana. He is also the Head of Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of KsTU (CREK) and a member of Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE).

  • 2007 – 2009: MSc Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids and Energy Systems), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana

  • 2001 – 2005: BSc – Chemical Engineering, KNUST, Ghana

Professional Membership: 
• Member, Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE) • Member, Biogas Association of Ghana • Member, Ghana Alliance for Clean Cooking
Research Interests: 
Anaerobic fermentation, dark fermentation, second generation bioethanol, biosanitation
Teaching Areas: 

Thermodynamics, transport phenomena, process optimisation, combustion, process plant design, technical communication

Conferences Attended: 
  • Bensah E. C. Promoting Productive Uses of Energy as Part of Universal Access, Reaching Universal Energy Access in Ghana by 2020 and 5th Mini Grid Action Learning Event and Summit; Government of Ghana / World Bank ESMAP/ DFID / SREP. Accra, Ghana, 24-28 June 2019.  
  • Bensah E. C. Challenges of biogas production in the wet fraction in Ghana. Bioenergy for Ghana Seminar, Accra, Ghana. Under aegis of GIZ, Green Innovation Centre, Government of Bavaria, 29-30th January 2018.
  • Biorefining from raw material to high value products: Biorefinery Øresund conference. Ørestad, Denmark, Sep 18, 2013
  • Sustainable energy for green economic growth: DTU international energy conference. DTU, Lyngby Campus, Denmark, Sep 10-12, 2013.
  • Bensah E. C., Mensah M., Schmidt J. E. (2012). Implementation of 2nd Generation Biofuels Production in Ghana. Poster presentation, International conference on Advanced Biofuels in a Biorefinery Approach, Feb 28 – March 1 2012, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Mensah M., Antwi E., Bensah E. (2012). Integrated Waste Management in Western Africa (IWWA). Capacity building workshop for implementation of integrated solid waste management regulatory policy, European Commission 7th Framework Program, Accra, Ghana, January
  1. Bensah E. C., Kádár K., Mensah Y. M. (2019). Alkali and glycerol pretreatment of West African biomass for production of sugars and ethanol. Bioresource Technology Reports 6, 123-130
  2. Bensah E. C., Mensah M. (2018). Emerging physico-chemical methods for biomass pretreatment. Book Chapter, In press, IntechOpen
  3. Bensah E. C., Kemausuor F., Antwi E., Ahekpor J (2015). Identification of barriers to renewable energy technology transfer to Ghana, China-Ghana South-South Cooperation on Renewable Energy Technology Transfer, UNDP, Accra, Ghana.
  4. Bensah E. C., Kádár K., Mensah Y. M. (2015). Ethanol production from hydrothermally-treated biomass from West Africa, BioResources 10(4), 6522-6537.
  5.  Ahiekpor J. C., Antwi E., Bensah E. C., Ribeiro J. X. F. (2015). Determinants of urban household cooking fuel choice in Ghana. International Journal of Current Research 7(6), 17203-17206.
  6. Bensah E. C, Kemausuor F, Miezah K, Kádár Z, Mensah M (2015). African perspective on cellulosic ethanol production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49, 1–11.
  7. Bensah E. C., Senya O., Ahiekpor J., Antwi E., Ribeiro J. (2015). A study of the effluent quality of excrement-based biogas plants in Ghana, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science 1 (6).
  8. Kemausuor F, Kamp A, Thomsen ST, Bensah E. C, Østergård H. (2014). Assessment of biomass residue availability and bioenergy yields in Ghana. Resources, Conservation & Recycling (86): 28-37.
  9. Idun Y. N. A., Obiri S., Antwi E., Bensah E. C. (2013). Training Africa's Youth in Waste Management and Climate Change: A Textbook For The Youth In Africa's Primary And Junior Secondary Schools, Xlibris LLC, UK.
  10. Bensah EC., Moses M. (2013). Chemical pretreatment methods for the production of cellulosic ethanol: technologies and innovations. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Article ID 719607, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/719607.
  11. Bensah, E. C. and Brew-Hammond, A. (2012). Technical Evaluation and Standardization of Biogas Plants in Ghana, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8484-0102-4.
  12. Boateng, C. D., Bensah, E. D., Ahiekpor J. (2012). Assessing the Higher National Diploma Chemical Engineering program in Ghana: students’ perspective, European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI:10.1080/03043797.2012.667390
  13. Antwi E., Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J. (2011). Use of solar water distiller for treatment of fluoride-contaminated water: the case of Bongo district of Ghana, Desalination, doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.05.044.
  14. Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J., Boateng C. (2011). Migrating from subject-based to competency-based training in Higher National Diploma Chemical Engineering: the case of Kumasi Polytechnic. Education for Chemical Engineers, doi:10.1016/j.ece.2011.04.001.
  15.  Bensah E. C., Mensah M., Antwi E. (2011). Status and prospects for household biogas plants in Ghana – lessons, barriers, potential, and way forward. International Journal on Energy and Environment 2(5), 887-898.
  16. Arthur R, Baidoo M. F., Brew-Hammond A., Bensah E C. (2011). Biogas generation from sewage in four public universities in Ghana: a solution to potential health risk. Biomass and Bioenergy, doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.04.019.
  17. Bensah E. C., Ahiekpor J., Antwi E. (2010). Improving sanitation in Ghana: role of sanitary biogas plants. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5(2): 125-133. Medwell Journals.
  18. Antwi E., Bensah E. C. et al. (2010). Ghana’s biofuels policy: challenges and the way forward. International Journal on Energy and Environment 1(5), 805 – 814.
  19. Bensah E. C., Brew-Hammond A. (2010). Biogas technology dissemination in Ghana: history, current status, future prospects, and policy implications. International Journal on Energy and Environment 1(2), 277 – 294.



  1.  Bensah E.C., Antwi E., Ahiekpor J. (2011). Promoting enterprise-based ecological public toilets in Ghana: technology and economics, 2nd National Environmental Sanitation Conference – NESCON 2011, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Kumasi, Ghana.
  2.  Bensah E.C., Antwi E., Ahiekpor J. Ghana’s revised environmental sanitation policy 2010: a review. 3rd Ghana Water Forum, Ministry of Water, Works and Housing, Accra.
  3. Bensah, E. C., Brew-Hammond A. Biogas Effluent and Food Production in Ghana. Proceedings from Fourth National Conference on Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineering, Cape Coast, Ghana, 2008.
Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering